06 November 2019

4 years with NED

I went to the Medical College of Virginia yesterday to get my biopsy results.
It was my "it's been 4 years since your transplant" appointment.

I'm so grateful to report there is still No Evidence of Disease (NED) in my blood or my marrow. 

I'm 100 donor cells and my immune system is getting stronger.
I even got the final phase of my "baby shots" yesterday. It's finally feeling like I've turned a corner and my bone marrow transplant is getting further away and my life is coming back.
It's taking me a long time to get my strength back. I also struggle with ehlers-danlos syndrome (a very painful connective tissue disorder) and it slows me down.
One more year and my leukemia will be considered CURED.
5 years after transplant with no set backs is the marker for curability.
12 months to go. How exciting. Looking back at my journey and seeing only 12 months left? So exciting!