10 September 2015


Got official word at my oncologist this morning ... I'm in remission!
I wear this every day.
Confirmed by my labs today and my bone marrow biopsy last week.
Hurdle, cleared. 
Thank you for standing with me in this fight. Thank you for holding me up. The notes, meals, calls, visits, prayers, have kept me standing. Have kept me going. Have helped me keep fighting. 
And the fight's not over. Not even close.
This damn leukemia ... Ugh. 
Now that I'm in remission I'm one step closer to a bone marrow transplant. In the coming weeks I'll be monitored closely to make sure I stay in remission. I'll also get more consolidation chemotherapy in early October - sooner if my labs warrant. And, if all goes well, transplant will happen in November.
Until then, "I press on toward the goal to win the prize ..." Philippians 3:14